Piña Colada – Puerto Rico’s National Drink…

24 Sep

This is a post originally published as a guest post on Flanboyant Eats…   Here is the link to the Original.   Thanks Bren for the opportunity!!!


I have to thank Bren for always extending me an invitation to get featured in her awesome blog…

She asked us to bring forth something that would represent my Hispanic roots to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. I could not think of a more iconic drink than the Piña Colada. The Piña Colada has become the signature drink of the Caribbean, vacations and the beach.

According to the plaque, it was born on the streets of Old San Juan, on Calle Fortaleza. But there are stories the Piña Colada was invented by a barman in the Caribe Hilton Hotel. What I do like about both these stories – they both agree the Piña Colada is Puerto Rican. No doubts about that… one of our many, many contributions to the world.

I’ve seen many versions of this typical creamy beverage, but an authentic Piña Colada has merely 3 ingredients – Cream of Coconut, Pineapple Juice and Ice. You could add a little rum if you want, but the alcohol does not make the drink. A virgin, karma-free version is equally as satisfying, if not more, in my humble opinion.

This is a Piña Colada version that adults and kids alike can enjoy and feel as if they’re swept away into a beachy retreat… if at least for a few sips at a time.


1 cup of cream of coconut – I like Coco López
1 cup of pineapple juice – I like Lotus
6-8 ice cubes
Pineapple chunks and cherries for garnish


  1. Blend all the ingredients well in a blender. The coconut cream will make the mixture frothy and creamy. It will also provide all the sweetness you’ll need.

This recipe makes 4 drinks… or 2 very large ones.


One Response to “Piña Colada – Puerto Rico’s National Drink…”

  1. JonaJoseph September 24, 2012 at 2:48 pm #

    Looks good, will try it.

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