Tag Archives: recipes

My favorite Recipes of 2014

30 Dec

The end of 2014 is approaching and the end of a year is a great time to reflect on what we have achieved and to give thanks to all the blessings in our life.  You following this blog is one of my greatest blessings…

I would like to share and reflect on what I consider to be the best recipes from KarmaFree Cooking these past 12 months…  Hope you have enjoyed them too.

So without further ado, in no particular order…

Recipe Recap from KarmaFree Cooking


Quinoa Pasta with Baby Spinach

Roasted Tomatoes with Rosemary and Peanuts

Pumpkin Cuatro Leches

Pasta with Marinated Arugula Salad

Fried Tacos with Cheese and Mushrooms

Sweet Plantain Canoes filled with Creamed Spinach

Vegan Gluten-Free Crepes

Carob Syrup

Virgin Mojito

Taro Root Fritters with Vegan Mayo Mustard Sauce

Spinach Quesadillas with Goat Cheese

Tofu Scramble with Double Mustard Potatoes


And if you love any other recipes…  please share with us in our comments section.  We love to hear from you all.  Happy Holidays and a great 2015.

Joined forces with Hispanic blog Madres Conectadas supporting a more natural and vegetarian diet across Latin America

9 May

When I started KarmaFree Cooking, my mission was always to communicate the benefits of the vegetarian diet to anyone who was willing to listen.  Knowing full well that my Latin peers were not very open to the idea, I’ve always known it’s important to teach by example rather than by preaching.

Kids nowadays come with a different set of hardwiring…  very frequently I hear moms say their kids have made the decision to stop eating meat and to become vegetarians – for whichever reason, because they love pets and they can fathom eating a pet of theirs, because they dislike the flavor or texture or because they simply bring a higher level of consciousness –  they pose a real conundrum to their mothers, who sometimes are not equipped to answer or  integrate their kids wishes into the family food dynamic.

Foto Gianny

Here is where my new friend Gianny Liranzo and Madres Conectadas come into play…  I met Gianny recently at a blogger conference in Miami.  Her energy and passion to connect and to be an educative agent for mothers across Latin America was truly contagious.  Gianny created the blog and web portal Madres Conectadas to provide practical, useful and realistic answers and support to all Spanish-speaking moms.  She wants to promote positive upbringing, strengthening of values and integral growth for all member of the family.  Madres Conectadas is based out of the Dominican Republic and provides support online for Spanish-speaking moms across Latin America and in-person for moms located there.

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We are so proud and happy to announce that Madres Conectadas will be sharing weekly KarmaFree Cooking recipes in their website and via their social networks.  Together we want to share with all
 how easy and delicious it is to follow a more healthful and vegetarian diet.  It’ll be an excellent collaborative project.

You can connect with Madres Conectadas in all social networks:  They’re on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even on YouTube, where they share videos of those pow-wows they organize in the Dominican Republic.  And who knows…  if all this goes well and maybe you guys ask for it, maybe I can join one of those pow-wows and make it all about the vegetarian cooking.  Sounds cool, huh??

We’ll also share some of Madres Conectadas content thru our social media platforms, so make sure you all follow us on FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram y en Pinterest.

I really want to thank Gianny for trusting me and KarmaFree Cooking and appreciating how our message and recipes can be of value to all moms in the Madres Conectadas universe.

logo madres conectadas

Today we turn 6…

7 Nov

Today KarmaFree Cooking turns 6… and to be honest, I can’t believe it’s been this long. I still remember clearly that afternoon when I was plopped on my couch and decided to start a blog. I told myself… “Heck… How difficult can this be?”


Well let me tell you that hard work it is… It takes time – time to decide what to talk about, time to write about it, time to take pictures about it, time to cook for it… heck, I will not bore you with the details. But with all that time invested, also comes great satisfaction. It is an awesome feeling to read your comments here and on FaceBook on how much you like the recipes, how much you’re learning, how supported you feel… If in the end I get to inspire at least one of you out there into seriously consider the follow a vegetarian lifestyle or at least learn to appreciate the vegetarian lifestyle, my karma-yoga has been done.

This year I’ve traveled quite a lot… and I know you might feel a tad neglected. Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to share are many recipes or commentaries as I usually do. And for that I apologize… profusely. You have no idea the amount of pending material I have on my computer., but your patience will be rewarded.

And as we usually do on our anniversaries, we recap our most popular recipes in the last 12 months. Nice to know these oldies, but favorites, still withstand the test of time. Thanks again for your readership and support. I love you all!!!



 How to Peel and Eat a Mango

Pasteles in Banana Leaves

Yuca with Cuban Mojo

Natural Cold Remedy

Kick-butt Spinach and Mushroom Lasagna


Best of KarmaFree Cooking – 2012 Edition

31 Dec

I am so happy for everything that has happened during 2012…

It’s been a great year, filled with lots of travel, personal accomplishments and even a brand new baby niece!!! I am super appreciative that you guys continue to visit KarmaFree Cooking and enjoy what I share about my vegetarian lifestyle.

So as a farewell to 2012, I want to share our most popular recipes released this year:

By far, our most popular recipe this year was a recent one…

Kick-butt Spinach and Mushroom Lasagna

Photo Courtesy of J. Kenji López-Alt and Serious Eats

Adelia’s Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

Yuca Alcapurrias

3 Herbs Roasted Potatoes

Photo Courtesy of Chef Suvir Saran and his cookbook Masala Farm

Eggplant Tomato Rice Pastelón

Dominican Mangú

Stay safe on New Year’s Eve and may you celebrate with lots and lots of non-alcoholic sparkling apple cider!!!!!

Pumpkin Patch Round -up

26 Oct

Have you ever been to a pumpkin patch??

I went for the first time this last weekend. We wanted to bring my little nephew to pick out a pumpkin to decorate for Halloween. I’ve only seen pumpkin patches in pictures or on TV. So this was my expectation…

Well, let me tell you… in Florida, there is very little hay and the weather is not yet chilly. So picking out a pumpkin from the endless rows of dirt under the Floridian sun was not as enjoyable as I would imagine it would be.


I picked out a little one for my nephew and a larger one for my BIL to carve. I carved my first and only pumpkin 20 yrs ago and I am not looking forward to doing it again. So good luck Wichi!!!!!!



So to make this post more enjoyable to all of you… Let me share some of my favorite pumpkin recipes.

Pumpkin Risotto


Pumpkin Polenta

Pumpkin Polenta

Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese


Roasted Pumpkin Salad

Pumpkin Soup – Coming Soon…